I started hearing from Spirit at an early age, voices speaking to me all at once and very fast when I was very stressed.I was scared of the voices and did not understand they were trying to sooth me.  I was unable to determine what they were and actually wished they go away. At the age of 18 they did go away. As an adult I always had a “knowing” about some things and had a strong intuitive sense. I would always know things that were going to happen with situations in world events. I was always connected with my Maternal side and would often get a “knowing” of what was happening with my Mother and Grandmother. But I didnt tune in or practice any sort of connection, it just happened haphazardly. In 2016 I started investigating what happens when you die and picked up books about Near death experiences and started meditating and working on my intuitive understanding. My channel opened up in about 2017 and has been increasing since then. Although I believe it was always open, I just didnt listen.  When I channel for others, I “Hear” a message in my right ear and my personality/ego sort of step back while the guides tell me what to say. Physically I feel a my heart pounding and feel energy flowing through my body like I have to move. This form of connection is commonly called “CLAIRAUDIENCE” I am also CLAIRSENTIENT. I feel energies in a room. and just know things for certain. I often see timelines in my head like the end of the year appears to my far right and around a corner.  I occasionally experience CLAIRVOYANCE and CLAIRCOGNIZANCE and I have had Clairalience to lesser extent.

There are other ways I experience a “Knowing” when I hear something that resonates deeply with me, like I know something to be true that someone else is saying, I get a tingling sensation down my left side. That’s how I can trust the information.

I require a client to write down their questions as that helps with intention. Your guides begin their work when you set your intention.I can usually answer 5-10 questions depending on the complexity and where our guides take us- in about an hour. Your guides will only give you what you are ready to hear. No need to be scared you are NOT going to hear scary stuff. Your guides love you and only wish to support you on your life journey. Subsequent readings will allow more information after the previous sessions are integrated. Sometimes your guides have specific tasks for you to do…like mediation, exercise, grounding with nature; etc.

***I do require my client abstain from alcohol and marijuana 24 hours before a reading to help the channel remain clear to information.***